‘Good Burger 2’ Review

90s kids can rejoice! The Nickelodeon classic, Good Burger, has finally gotten a sequel after 26 years. This new film, which was released on Paramount+, saw the reunion between comedy legends Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell and offers plenty of nostalgia for folks who grew up with the earlier days of Nickelodeon. However, does this long awaited sequel hit the spot or has it been left out too long? Let’s dig in and find out.

The Good

To start, Good Burger 2 is genuinely hilarious. If you’re someone who likes the humor used in the original film, you’ll enjoy the humor here as well, as the same style carries over. There are silly one-liners and over-the-top slapstick that are hard not to laugh at. 

Much of the humor stems from Kel Mitchell’s performance as Ed and those around him reacting to his shenanigans. Ed feels like he has the potential to be an iconic comedy character who could join the ranks alongside Mr. Bean, Ernest P. Worrel, and Pee-Wee Herman. His energy is always entertaining, he’s a perfect blend of annoying and loveable, and Mitchell plays him so well. It would be a blast to see him in other projects or in other settings.

Not only do the fan-favorite Dex and Ed return, and still play off of each other quite well, but there are plenty of new characters who are just as fun as the original cast. Each have their own unique quirks that make them entertaining in their own way, and they all add a lot of fun to the story. On top of that, they also play a big part in the third act this time around rather than Dex and Ed’s coworkers being absent during their stealth adventure in the original. Their additions are all welcome.

This movie is such a fun nostalgia trip. Not only are there plenty of references to the first film, but there are also references to Kenan and Kel and All That, which is a treat for those feeling nostalgic for the 90s. Seeing the likes of Danny Tamberelli show up or Kel riff about his love of orange soda is enough to put a smile on one’s face.

There’s some intriguing commentary used throughout the movie. There’s a clear message regarding the downsides of using AI, especially for the purpose of replacing real people. That’s a very important message in today’s climate with various industries looking to do just that. A more subtle example of commentary in the film is the theme of success and how different people view it. Dex is a CEO of a company where he markets his inventions, however his family members won’t talk to him. Ed still works at Good Burger, but has a huge loving family. He may also be running Good Burger now, but it does say something interesting about “true success.”

The Bad

While Good Burger 2 is fun, the story is a bit too much of a retread of the original one’s plot. It follows the same formula and has too many scenes that are basically the same. It still feels like a progression of time and events beyond the first movie, but it could have done more of its own thing.

There’s an important part of the movie when Ed, the loveable idiot, suddenly knows advanced computer coding and uses it to save the day. This guy has worked in fast food since he was 15 years old and hasn’t had another job and has no formal education. He’s also not a very smart character in general. How on Earth does he know something so advanced? The similar scene in the first movie has him save the day with a good, creative idea, which is believable. Suddenly having the knowledge of a trained software engineer is not.

There are many returning faces throughout the movie, and one of them returns in an especially humorous way. However, it seems like a reintroduction of this character into the story, but once he steps out of the scene he steps out of the movie. It’s okay for him to just be a cameo but there were places they could have gone with this character specifically with the way he was reintroduced. It just feels like an odd missed opportunity.


If you love the first Good Burger, then you’re sure to enjoy this long-awaited sequel as well. If you weren’t a fan of the original, why would you want to watch this one? It’s filled with the same kind of silly and oftentimes dumb humor. If that’s what you like, you’ll be entertained. If you don’t like it, what else were you expecting out of Good Burger 2

Regardless, Good Burger 2 is a fun, nostalgic ride with a side order of heart and an extra helping of humor. Sure, there are times when it feels a little too derivative of the original movie, but it’s otherwise wildly entertaining and a must-see for Nickelodeon-loving 90s kids.

Rating: 7/10

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